First blog post

IMG_5447.jpgI’ve been nagging myself to start this thing for how long now. Yesterday, I came across a piece that I had written whilst I was living in Moscow and I’m just going to slap it in as my first blog post, because it says essentially what I’ve always wanted this blog to represent. Life, in its simplest forms.

I’ll try post often, always keeping it short and sweet. Please someone tell me if its all dogshit. Otherwise, my ego loves a stroking here and there.

Here goes nothing:

Everyday, I come across situations that deserve a paragraph. Situations that more often than not need to be noticed. It’s the essence of the human race surely not. Like today, standing in line at my new found comfortable grocery store a five minute walk away from my apartment. Grocery stores become a safe place for someone like me who decided to dump herself into a brand new country for a year. I was buying a frozen pizza and a flower plant–mainly due to my new desire for decoration, but also because I had a raging pizza craving and frozen is just going to have to do the job. But the purchases of the woman in front of me put a slight lob sided grin on my face. A peach cake, 1 liter of canned beer and two boxes of tampons. Just last week I bought an excessive amount of marshmallows. The female hormone cycle can make you do mysterious things, I’ll tell you.


Haven’t figured out how to sign off these things yet. Maybe next time it’ll look a bit more thought out.

Bye for now,

Ciske x


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